UX Designer at The University of Newcastle

A humanitarian and ethics-driven creative, I am guided by a North Star of identifying empathy gaps and solving problems through sustainable design, whether at the sectoral, cultural, or interpersonal level.

I work on projects that are meaningful & do good for society.

Currently, I’m running discovery workshops on digital solutions for colleges at The University of Newcastle and gathering content to build the university’s first universal Digital Design Standards System.

Previously, I was designing advanced learning management systems at Kip McGrath, applying best practice for admission forms at UAC and simplifying management & assessment flows for machinery at Plant Assessor.




My work is locked under IP restraints.

Contact me to view previous case studies or view my **CV.**

Postcard with Envelope Mockup.jpg


From branding to collage, animation to illustration, I have been behind some small, but wonderful projects across print and digital.

View Graphic work →



An exploration of handcrafted techniques such as coiling and weaving through upcycled and repurposed materials and digital printing.

View Textile work →

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/6d40a103-2a84-4ba2-bd91-083e911664d8/aboriginal-flag.svg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/6d40a103-2a84-4ba2-bd91-083e911664d8/aboriginal-flag.svg" width="40px" /> I am grateful to live & create on the lands of the Awabakal nation

Melissa Barrass © 2024
