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Image provided by Rihanna Phillips

Image provided by Rihanna Phillips










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Crystallised, UNSW Contemporary Wearables project (2014)

Design + construction by Melissa Barrass

Crystallised is the exploration of shell, shield and shape through the use of modern materials designed in a contemporary manner where natural geological formations serve as a major inspiration. The design is composed of 90 triangular pyramids roped together with fishing wire at the back of the bodice, and are each composed of vinyl and mylar film. Featured on the front are 5 elongated crystal-like subjects which are also formed with vinyl and mylar, this time on a vinyl pattern to form the front of a female torso.

The designs aim to replicate the gorgeous formations of crystals such as quartz and use light as a defense mechanism. The texture and shape of the pyramids as a collective itself is a defensive likening to the spiked conglomerates of quartz crystal. The produced design features symmetry, shape, texture and a play on light, which all contribute to the defensive capability of the wearable, bringing a new concept of natural geology to shell, shield and shape.

<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/6d40a103-2a84-4ba2-bd91-083e911664d8/aboriginal-flag.svg" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/6d40a103-2a84-4ba2-bd91-083e911664d8/aboriginal-flag.svg" width="40px" /> I am grateful to live & create on the lands of the Awabakal nation

Melissa Barrass © 2024
